Sunday, 17 June 2007


Communion this morning. In his introduction, our minister said - as always - that the communion table was open to "all who know and love Jesus", and for a wee while I found myself wondering whether I qualified. Never really thought about that before. I've been trying to learn to "know and love Jesus" since I became a Christian way back in 1984; but have I ever really got anywhere? God knows. Well, I presume he does.

My pondering this morning didn't last too long, though, as Dave went on to use his usual "words of invitation":

Come to this table, not because you must but because you may,
not because you are strong, but because you are weak.
Come, not because any goodness of your own gives you a right to come,
but because you need mercy and help.
Come, because you love the Lord a little and would like to love him more.
Come, because he loved you and gave himself for you.
Come and meet the risen Christ, for we are his Body.

The key words that reassured me were these: "come because you love the Lord a little, and would like to love him more". Yeah, I think I qualify. Just.

Still, it's got me thinking. (I wonder how long that will last?)

1 comment:

Alli and Frankie said...

Those are lovely words. More often that not lately I find myself praying for more faith. I really, really want to have more faith but with such a chaotic life I'm finding it difficult.

I have only read through the bible in order the one time. The rest of the time, I've just done passages during bible studies and things. Those actually stuck with me more than just trying to struggle through it.

I loved your minister's words.